General Donation has an important place in order not to waste time in emergencies such as natural disasters, wars or when starting new projects.
You can put a smile on the faces of people in need by donating your zakat to the Umuda Kosanlar Association.
Your help to successful students who need support in their education life gives hope.
We are working to be with our citizens in contact with coordination centers in disasters that occur in our country.
By providing 6,000 students in need with stationery bags, we are contributing to their happiness.
We continue to work to heal the wounds of Yemen, which is one of the biggest crisis points in the world as a result of years of civil wars.
We do not remain indifferent to the water crisis in the world, we open Hope Springs in areas in need.
We provide stoves, blankets and fuel to families in need and refugees living in camps in our country.
We started to work on the renovation and enlargement of a secondary school in the Hızri camp in Syria's Idlib region.
Kalkındırma projelerimiz kapsamında, geçim kaynağı oluşturabilecek nitelikte sürdürülebilir projeleri hayata geçirmeyi hedefliyoruz.
Sudan’da iç savaştan kaçan 8 milyon insan ulaşabildikleri bölgelerde hayatta kalmaya çalışıyor.
Dünyadaki su krizine kayıtsız kalmıyor, Tanzaya'da Umut Pınarları açıyoruz.
Dünyadaki su krizine kayıtsız kalmıyor, Sierra Leone'ye Umut Pınarları açıyoruz.
İhtiyaç sahibi ile ve yetim ailelerine süt keçisi desteği vererek sürdürülebilir geçim kaynağı oluşturuyoruz.
Ailelerin geçimine bir nebze de olsa katkı sağlamak amacıyla yün-iplik makinesi kampanyası başlattık. Desteğinizle 300 aileye yün iplik makinesini ulaştıracağız.
We provide all kinds of aid from food aid to education scholarships, from fuel to clothing, from toy support to blankets and emergency aid needs.
Desteklerinizle, eğitimini tamamlayıp ustalık belgelerini alan ve atölye açmak için kendi dikiş makinesini alamayan kadınlara dikiş makinesi temin ediyoruz.
Köylerdeki evlerinde pirinç patlağı üreten kadınlar, ürettikleri pirinç patlağını şehirlerde satarak geçimlerini sağlıyor.
Mobil ticaret yapan ve tezgah aracı eskidiği ya da bozulduğu için çalışamayan insanlara araç ve malzemelerini temin ediyoruz.
In Wa, one of the central cities for Ghana's meeting with Islam, we started working to build a qualified mosque where Muslims can worship and learn knowledge.
We are delivering your support to Gaza, which has been under attack and blockade for years.
We established a school project where students can study in a safe environment in the Kadoli village of Ghana. We continue to support the long-term sustainability of education.
In Tanzania, we are building the "Hadija Kulliye", which consists of a kindergarten, primary school, orphanage, mosque and administrative building.
About 150-200 million orphans live in the world. The majority of orphans are trying to survive in third world countries without social support.
We identify the poor and oppressed, and deliver the charity donations we have entrusted to those in need.
For 12 months, we deliver your Qurban, Adaq – Aqeeqah – Shuqr – Sadaqah to those in need.
Cataracts, which can be treated with a simple operation, cause tens of thousands of adults and children to lose their sight every year in Africa.
Every day, we share the same table with our beloved brothers and sisters who live across thousands of kilometers.
With your support, we build masjids in needy areas, renew and beautify masjids that have worn out over time.
We have packed many different gifts a child would want into one bag. We filled the specially designed bag with happiness.
We place the food containers on the streets and streets where cats and dogs mostly live, and fill them with food.